ISSUE 1 MAY 2013
You heard it here!
Welcome to the first issue of The Glebe Grapevine
The Glebe Grapevine is produced by a collective of Glebe residents as a contribution to our community.
We think that it can provide greater opportunities for issues raised by the community to be heard, for insights and experiences to be shared, and the exchange of information promoted.
We want The Glebe Grapevine to generate ideas and action to improve the quality of life of all Glebe residents, ensure accountability by governments and institutions, and assist in resolving community issues.We hope that The Glebe Grapevine will become a public voice that speaks from and for many in our community.
We need your feedback. We welcome your comments, contri-butions, donations, offers to letterbox The Glebe Grapevine, or any other form of participation. Please get in touch.
Is this what you want for Bay Street?
13 storeys high rise and commercial space and more shops?
There is a proposal to amend planning controls to allow 33 metres high mixed residential and commercial development (about 13 storeys) at 87 Bay Street, between the Housing NSW site and Wentworth Park. This overdevelopment includes up to 4000 square metres of commercial and retail space, and up to 16,000 square metres of residential space (about 185 – 195 units), and about 170 – 200 parking spaces.
Opps They forgot to consultation
Sydney City Council approved the planning proposal on 15 October 2012 without notifying or consulting affected residents. This is not the first time the Council has made a decision affecting residents first and consulted with them later. This is unacceptable, especially when we are dealing with a very large overdevelopment proposal.
High rise development has no place in Glebe. It is incompatible with heritage surroundings, and the community who live there. The proposed development will visually overwhelm the surrounding community and will overshadow terrace housing to the west of the site and the proposed development on the Cowper Street site.
The proposal does not take into account the traffic generation of the proposed development in Cowper Street and the increased demand for parking associated with that development. There will be a loss of street parking on Wentworth Street and probably Bay Street. Wentworth Street is too narrow to carry two way traffic as well as allow for parking on both sides. Depriving residents of adequate parking, whether within a development or in the street or public parking areas, is inequitable and creates problems for the whole community. Only the Council profits from parking fines. Residents are likely to be disturbed by noise from traffic and activities at the Council depot and Wentworth Park, as well as increased population density.
The site is potentially affected by flooding. There has been flooding in and around the intersection of Bay Street and Wentworth Park Road in excess of 300 mm on 2 occasions, the most recent occasion on March 7 and 8, 2012.
In the 1970s Glebe was classified as an area worthy of preservation by the NSW National Trust. Further, Glebe was regarded by UNESCO as one of the historic areas of Sydney which require legislation to preserve it as an historic heritage for the future. Sydney Council should preserve this historical legacy.
If you would like a copy of the Hands off Glebe submission opposing
Come to the Sydney City Council public meeting toask your questions about the Bay Street proposal
WEDNESDAY MAY 1, 6.00 – 7.30pm Old Fire Station 113 Mitchell Street, Glebe
Residents left “de-fence-less”
Residents of Glebe Estate can wait for months for fences to be repaired or replaced by Housing NSW.
Fences between houses and back yards have often been left unrepaired for long periods but now front fences, fences that make houses and yards secure on side streets and back lanes, are being left simply taped up and unrepaired for months.
Some residents fear going into their own yards after dark, while others can’t hang out washing due to lack of privacy and security.
Residents have reported these fences many times and so far the only response is “Tech” Officers who arrive, take photos and leave the site, often without even talking to residents.