Media release 1 on protest letters
Hands off Glebe activists will deliver over 400 letters calling for the 82 Wentworth Park public housing complex to be saved from demolition to Housing Minister Jackson at Parliament House on Wednesday 22 August at 10.30am.
“The decision by the NSW Minister for Housing and Homelessness Rose Jackson to demolish 82 Wentworth Park Road in Glebe is a shocking continuation of the previous LNP Government’s brutal policy of evict-demolish-rebuild,” said Denis Doherty from Hands off Glebe.
“The Minister’s decision has been met by a determined community campaign to save “82”, led by our local community group, Hands off Glebe,” he said.
The group has organised letters, street rallies, sausage sizzles and an occupation for nearly a week.
Then 5,000 protest letters were letterboxed by volunteers, local businesses stepped up to be collection points and over 430 people responded.
“Whoever is advising Minister Jackson has clearly not caught up with the latest thinking on housing construction which respects the human, environmental and economic benefits of renovation instead of demolition,” Dr Hannah Middleton from Hands off Glebe said..
“It is time her department moved into the 21st Century,” she added.
Ian Stephenson of the Glebe Society points out that “professionally developed alternative plans to refurbish “82” and create more homes through infill construction have been presented to the Minister.
“However, she and her staff appear unwilling to budge. It is time to stop the demolitions!” he said.
Time: 10.30 am
Where: outside Parliament House Macquarie Street
Date: Wednesday August 23.